1st International Workshop on Federated Learning for Industry 4.0 (FL4Industry) at FLTA2025


The integration of Federated Learning (FL) into manufacturing represents a transformative approach to harnessing distributed data while preserving privacy. This special session aims to explore cutting-edge methods, applications and challenges associated with the implementation of FL in industrial settings. Bringing together researchers and practitioners, the session addresses topics such as collaborative model training across multiple manufacturing units, dealing with data heterogeneity, ensuring data security, and enhancing applications such as predictive maintenance with FL. Discussions will also cover the role of FL in Industry 4.0, with an emphasis on human-centric and sustainable manufacturing processes. This session provides a platform to showcase the latest advances and share practical insights into the application of FL in manufacturing, advancing the field through shared expertise.


  • Martin Ruskowski, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  • Tatjana Legler, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
  • Vinit Hegiste, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau
  • Tba
  • Feel free to contact us, if you would like to get involved in the session!


Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Applications of Federated Learning in Industry 4.0 (e.g., predictive maintenance, manufacturing optimization, quality inspection)
  • Data privacy and security challenges
  • Data heterogeneity and device heterogeneity challenges in FL
  • Resource-efficient FL systems and infrastructure for production lines
  • Theoretical contributions to FL in manufacturing contexts
  • Explainable FL models for manufacturing processes
  • Federated Reinforcement Learning applications
  • Federated Dataset: Sharing FL dataset specific useful for Industries to progress further in application based FL

Important Dates

Workshop Paper Submission: August 2, 2025
Paper Notification: August 30, 2025
Camera Ready Submission: September 14, 2025

Submission Guidelines according to FLTA2025

Paper Format

Submitted papers (.pdf format) must use the A4 IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. Please remember to add Keywords to your submission.


There are three categories of submission:

  • Long papers: 7-8 pages. Overlength papers will be rejected without review.
  • Short papers (demo / Artifacts): 4-6 pages.
  • Poster papers: 1-2 pages (undergraduate).


Papers submitted to FLTA must be the original work of the authors. They may not be simultaneously under review elsewhere. Publications that have been peer-reviewed and have appeared at other conferences or workshops may not be submitted to FLTA. Authors should be aware that IEEE has a strict policy with regard to plagiarism. The authors’ prior work must be cited appropriately.

Author List

Please ensure that you submit your papers with the full and final list of authors in the correct order. The author list registered for each submission is not allowed to be changed in any way after the paper submission deadline.


Please proofread your submission carefully. It is essential that the language used in the paper is clear and correct so that it is easily understandable. (Either US English or UK English spelling conventions are acceptable.)


All papers that are accepted, registered, and presented in FLTA will be submitted to IEEEXplore for possible publication.

Submission Portal

Access the submission portal here: Easychair